Reading Newspapers!

In today`s reading newpapers!
(U.S. grocer restricts Chilean salmon)

I chose this topic; because, it seems to be a reality somehow connect it to my country
Salmon industry is one of the most profitable Businesses in Chile.
It provides job to thousand of people in the south of Chile especially in places such a Chiloe and Aysen to name a few.

The restriction of Chilean salmon sales, inside the U.S was the news that called my attention the most, because it affects Chile’s economy directly.

On the other hand, I do understand America’s concern about it, when they stated that the virus and detailed concerns had been analyzed by biologists and environmentalists.
According to the report the problems seems to be not only the elevated use of antibiotics on the Salmon’s industry, but also. The contaminate fishing water in salmon farms which could be producing illnesses in the fish.

Based on news I read in the three newspapers, I consider that New York Times is better than the others.
Firstly, the new vocabulary, and word use you can find is excellent.
Second, I did really like news papers which have links to go deeper on the piece of news you are reading, for example Multimedia links, full report and opinions from the reader about certain topic.

As a conclusion I would like to take a Joseph Addison Quote which says “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”



Verónica A. said...

Hi Natty How are u doing? Well It´s a huge pitty that Salmon industry is falling down. I remember eat this fish and it is so delicius. don`t you think? On the other hand, maybe the infection of salmon is related to dumped toxic waste in Somalia jajaja (I am kind of freak at this time of the year) Maybe I am righ...maybe
Well have a good ending year, dear classmate
See us!

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