Do schools kill kids creativity?

“We need to re-think the fundamental principles of education”

Today, I listen to a very interesting talk held by Ken Robinson,
It makes me think about what should we transmit to our student?

Mr., Robinson states that Children have the capacity for innovate and create countless things, but after the education process they lose it.
Nowadays he said, "We are educating without creativity".

Well the answer has to do, with the stereotypes we’ve created about education.
Everywhere on earth the main subjects at schools are math and languages, arts and music goes at the end as the least important ones.
Ken Robinson claims that we grow up thinking that we will never get a good job as an artist, and that
Industrialism is now much more important for our society .We've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers.
It is so common that when we are kids our parents used to say, “You will be a good doctor” or “An Excellent lawyer”, but, What if that child want to be a musician or an artist?

What can we do in our classrooms to change this reality?

Why did you choose to be a teacher?

All the time I think about it, I remember a great teacher I had when I was 13 years old. Mrs. Marisol
She was absolutely wonderful not only as a teacher but also as a person as well; in every class she gave her best to make a boring language class into an interesting one.
Unfortunately she became very sick and started skipping classes; I knew it because we used to communicate by emails.
Until one day I received one last email, and she didn’t go back school.
At the end of that year we knew that she had passed away.
I guess she was, and she still is my inspiration.
I wish someday I could be as good as she was.

What tools will a professional in your area need to have in the future?
I think there are two different kinds of teachers:
First, the ones who know a lot, they are the best on what their do.
Those teachers provide the information, and of course his/her students learn the contents, and pass the classes, however for the students, this person will be just one more teacher in their lives.
The other type is the one who provides you more than knowledge, but values, confidence, among others things, as well.
Those people are the ones who became part of your memories.

Question for you guys:
Which kind of teacher would you like to be?

An interesting Webpage!

Rainy cold day...

What could be better than dedicate a moment to study?

I visited a webpage reccomended by Mrs.Beatriz

I`d never try this site before, but i have accept that It was really good

You can make question in a special seccion called "ask about english".

Many people asked there, and the answers (with audio included) were just so great!, I kept reading and reading the questions and answer for almost an hour.

Visit the page, enjoy and learn!

You won`t regret it!

Good luck

Practicing Perfect sentences!

Time expressions with Present Perfect

Hiiii!. This is Natalia here!!

Past, Future, present Perefect? Have you ever heard about them?

When we use the present Perfect it means that something has happened at some point in our lives before now. Remenber, the exact time the action happened is not important.


I have seen that movie six time in the last month

My car has broken down three times this week

You can use present perfect in the next contexts:

1- as a result of an action in the past which is important in the present.

Eg. I have cleaned my room

2-Recently completed action.

Eg. He has just played basketball

3: Actions beggining in the past and still continuing

Eg. We have lived in Chile since 1986

Sometimes we want to limit the time we are looking in for an experience, we can do this with expressions such as "in the last week, in the last year, this month, so far up, up to now.

Good luck!