Practicing Perfect sentences!

Time expressions with Present Perfect

Hiiii!. This is Natalia here!!

Past, Future, present Perefect? Have you ever heard about them?

When we use the present Perfect it means that something has happened at some point in our lives before now. Remenber, the exact time the action happened is not important.


I have seen that movie six time in the last month

My car has broken down three times this week

You can use present perfect in the next contexts:

1- as a result of an action in the past which is important in the present.

Eg. I have cleaned my room

2-Recently completed action.

Eg. He has just played basketball

3: Actions beggining in the past and still continuing

Eg. We have lived in Chile since 1986

Sometimes we want to limit the time we are looking in for an experience, we can do this with expressions such as "in the last week, in the last year, this month, so far up, up to now.

Good luck!


Jorge Molina said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeella la teacher! hahaha
nice blog.. specially the bear!

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